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Bridal Veil Falls Trail -- Index, WA


 How is it this nice out in mid-November still? Good hiking truly never stops in the Pacific Northwest I guess. Another weekend, another hike. 

Espresso Chalet

Washington state is no stranger to little espresso java huts. The state takes its coffee seriously. The Espresso Chalet is yet another one to add to the list. It's probably the most scenic one you can find though. It's very close to Bridal Veil Falls and has a deck and outdoor seating area to view the mighty Mt. Index. We decided to take a short detour...just a mile and half further down the road (US-2) from the Bridal Veil Falls trailhead. That's where the Espresso Chalet exists near Index, WA. 

Bigfoot Index Espresso Chalet

Welcome to the Cascade Mountains Bigfoot Country

Look familiar at all? Harry and the Henderson's was filmed here!

There was a decent sized line so we waited maybe 10-15 minutes to get our coffee, which was unfortunate because we already left Seattle late. I don't think we started hiking until WELL after noon. Maybe even 1PM. So we were fighting daylight, especially since daylight savings ended a week ago. I got my 16oz Mocha espresso and carried on. Energized for the hike ahead. If you're hiking in the area, and love coffee, or are fan of all things Bigfoot, you'd be foolish not to stop here first. Take a breather and sip your coffee in front of Mt. Index. We were pressed for time, so we didn't. Don't be like us!

Bridal Veil Falls

Yes, yes, onto the hike. The parking lot for the trailhead was about half full, getting there on a weekend afternoon. If we came in the spring or summer I think it likely would have been packed. Late fall hiking has its perks dontchaknow. 

Bridal Veil Falls Lake Serene Trailhead sign

I read this sign from far away and got nervous. Lake Serene??? Did we go the wrong way? I had no idea that if you continue on past Bridal Veil Falls you can get to another beautiful sight, the source of the falls, Lake Serene. I would've LOVED to continue on and see the lake, as it was only another...maybe 1.5 to 2 miles to the lake, but we weren't prepared to be out that late, as it would've been dark and much colder out if we continued. Oh well, look for an update in 2024, if we come back we will for sure hit up the lake as well!
Small bladders rejoice... there are bathrooms at the trailhead. 

Beginning of the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

The trail starts with a fairly open pathway as it takes you through a woodsy stroll. It's crazy how even ignoring the leaves on the ground, you can tell this was an autumn afternoon. The sun and its light just has that look. As you continue on you get more enclosed into the forest around you. Eventually there's a little bridge that crosses a stream. Ya'll know I love my bridges and stream crossings. 

bridge stream crossing bridal veil falls
There's not much water in there, but hey! Cool boardwalk bridge.

Tree in water index wa
A tree laying near the water

A stream strolls through
There's another stream. More water flowing this time!

bridal veil falls trail mt index

The trail exists near the base of Mt Index. As such you can see it looming in the background along the hike. 

Trail water features
More streamsssss

Verdant green trail
The greenest green. It really doesn't ever stop being so green does it? It's amazing

Wooden steps on the trail
Wooden steps helping you along with the elevation gain.

Mountain lookout
A beautiful mountain lookout before the falls

Cliimbing up rocks
Some rocks to trip over as you climb higher to the falls! Did I trip? I'll never tell

Broken Boardwalk
Hey where's the rest of the boardwalk??

Lots of stairs up to the falls
The final boss of stairs before reaching the falls. You can do it!

bridal veil falls
We made it!! You can't even get all of the falls in one picture, as there are multiple drops. The falls in total are 1300 feet!! How majestic though!

Bridal veil falls
Starting to get that Bridal Veil wispyness to it

Waterfalls galore
Such an amazing spot! Here's the falls going into another drop, with mountains as a perfect backdrop. Be very careful you don't slip and fall down the next set of falls!

more falls bridal veil

dog hiking bridal veil falls
A wild doggo appears! I think they loved it.

Mt Index
Goodnight Mt. Index

Overall, a really nice hike for mid November! There were a few out of breath moments, especially the last climb to the falls, but nothing extreme. A pretty moderate 4 mile hike with roughly 1000 feet of elevation gain!

Good Brewing

So we got our coffee at the espresso chalet and burned off our energy on our hike. Now it's time to chill. We went to Good Brewing. Yes, that's the name. They have several taprooms, I think originally in Woodinville, but we went to the one in Sultan, since that was closest and right on Route 2 as well. I got Hazy by Nature and Jester IPA and we split a big ol soft pretzel. Good Brewing the name suggests...good. Although we weren't able to bring in our water bottle that we were sipping on post-hike because "they don't know what could be in there". Fair enough.

Good Brewing in Sultan.


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