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Tenerrife (Kamikaze) Falls Trail -- Washington


Hiking the Tenerrife Falls Trail

It's spring in Washington. Have I mentioned that yet? If you're going to do waterfall hikes now is the time. The rainy season is closing up, but we're still experiencing rain, snow is melting from the peaks of the mountains, all of this adds up to increased water flow rates. If you're looking for a good time for waterfalls, spring is it. I have a feeling it's going to be a very dry 2024 summer season in the PNW, so I'm glad we went here when we did. 

Tenerrife Mountain and Falls Trailhead
Parking Lot of the Trailhead

It's amazing how many excellent hikes are right off of I-90. Add this one to the list. It's right near Mt. Si near North Bend and the trailhead shares a parking lot with the main Teneriffe Mountain trail. You start on one trail and continue up the the mountain if you wish. I'm just here for the falls, man. The trailhead has a toilet, because you know I care, and I know some of you do to. AllTrails rates it at a hard, but I thought it was solidly moderate. It is roughly 6 miles out and back and a bit over 1600 feet in elevation gain throughout. 

Mt. Tenerrife Trailhead Sign


King County runs a public transit option called the Trailhead Direct that can actually take you here from Seattle, which is great if you don't otherwise drive and/or would prefer public transportation. It has very limited operation though, really only weekends and holidays during the summer. But still. Cool that it exists! It takes you to Mt. Si, Little Si, and Teneriffe Mountain trailheads. It is otherwise roughly a 40 minute drive from Seattle. 

start of tenerrife trail

The start of the trail enters the forest at a slow and easy pace, very well padded down paths and little elevation. The first 1.5 miles is roughly only 450 feet of elevation gain. The elevation picks up in grade for about a half mile, then you begin to enter several switchbacks of more difficult elevation gain for almost a mile. It's all worth it! 

dog poop bag on the trail
don't do this. for the love of god, do not do this

peaks of mountains
Peeks of mountain peaks begin to show through the trees on your journey

big mossy boulder
ain't nothin like a big ol mossy boulder

rocky areas of the trail
The trail does turn rocky at some points. Here you have to careful prance over rocks to continue.

Rocky Road
More rocks to pass on the trail!

sweeping mountain views
Before the heavy switchbacks start there's a wonderful viewing area of the mountains beyond

mountain views
Great place to stop and think! And maybe eat a bar

Waterfall in the forest
Some small falls and stream as we close in on Tenerrife Falls

huge tree with a hole in it
Huge tree! You can probably take cover from the rain under that thing!

Tenerrife Falls
There she is! We made it!

Tenerrife Falls
The falls were great! I can't image how cool they'd be after a good soaking rainfall

tenerrife falls off to the side
Tenerrife Falls off to the side a bit. Lovely views

Top of Tenerrife Falls
An attempt was made to get as much as possible in one shot, including the top of the falls!

Tenerrife Falls flowing waterfalls
This waterfall just doesn't know when to quit!

Dog at Tenerrife Falls
This random doggo loved it too. Yes dogs are allowed.

beautiful valley and mountainscape views
There were people sitting on the rocks here on the way up. We decided to sit for a minute, have an energy bar, some water, and breathe in the fresh air and take in the views before switchbacking back down the trail.

dont fall off the trail
Don't look down!

Tenerrife Falls Trail Sign
Forgot to take a pic of this on the way up. It's where the Tenerrife Mountain trail splits off into the Tenerrife Falls trail. There was an overly excited offleash dog running ahead of its owners and then back to them. Back and forth. Back and forth. Passing us off each time. It was hilarious and adorable. I think they continued on to the Tenerrife Mountain trail. Just be careful with your dogs man. I love them, but just because they behave most of the time, doesn't mean they always will. Having them offleash opens you up to serious issues if something were to happen.

Rock Hole
This rock hole was worth focusing in on

look at that growth!

stump with poop bag
Cool stump! (with another poop bag on it. seriously people?)

Bye bye falls! On to another brewery!

No Boat Brewing Company

After hiking we decided to head to No Boat Brewing Company before heading back to Seattle. 

No Boat Brewing Company

No Boat Brewing Company taproom

No Boat Glass
Cool glass!

No Boat was a unexpected hidden gem. I honestly hadn't heard of the prior to visiting. We just literally look up "brewery" on google maps on our route usually and go to ones we've never been. The beers were very good, tap room very need and dog friendly, and they have excellent choice in food trucks. Impeckable Chicken was here tonight and boy was that just what I needed. 

Impeckable Chicken truck
Heaven on wheels

Dog at No Boat Brewery
They are dog friendly, and this dog was....well just amazing


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