Poo Poo Point is the quintessential "I just moved to the Seattle area, where should I hike?" hike. It's probably the best closest-to-Seattle hike with some of the best views on a trail that close to the city. Downtown Seattle to the trailhead is only about 30 minutes. Are there better hikes a little further aways? Sure. But Poo Poo is pretty great too.
Trailhead sign at the start of the Chirico Trail
Poo Poo Point is on the western face of Tiger Mountain in the Issaquah Alps, the aptly named mountainous region in the Issaquah, WA area. What about Poo Poo Points name?
The name Poo Poo has its roots in the logging steam
whistles of the past. I do suppose Poo Poo could sound like a steam whistle
in the greatest of onomatopoeias but Choo Choo works just as
well....right? I mean trains make almost the same sound?? You do you, loggers.
Poo Poo Point has an added feature. People don't just hike it. They also jump off of it. And survive. It's a popular paragliding spot. If you're lucky enough you might see them in the air when you pull into the trailhead, or better yet, you might be able to catch them jumping off the point when you get up to the top!
Don't get hit by a landing glider! You can see this sign near the start of the Chirico trail. It is close to a landing field for the paragliders!
The first time we went it was early fall, kind of chilly, and off and on raining. Nevertheless, there were paragliders in the sky. More recently when we went, the weather was PERFECT. Not a glider in the sky. I'm not a paraglider, so I don't know specifics, but I totally would've preferred to paraglide in the beautiful weather, no?
Here's a view from the first time we went. You can't see much of anything! Still nice though.
There are a few ways to get to Poo Poo Point. There is a ''okay" sized parking lot off of Issaquah-Hobart Rd SE.
On a beautiful day the parking lot WILL fill up and it gets rather cramped in there. There was traffic backing up into the road this last time I went. The plus side is, there are some porta potties at the parking lot for those with small bladders like myself. If you do start your hike from here, you will be taking the Chirico Trail up to the point. It is almost exactly 4 miles out and back and you'll gain about 1640 feet in just that short amount of time. For that reason, it's fairly exhausting. It's constant elevation gain for almost the entire trek up, so bring water and rest often if you aren't super in shape! You will be rewarded for your efforts.
Another options is to do Poo Poo Point via the High School Trail.
There is a small gravel parking lot here that can fit MAYBE 6 cars. This was full when we got here. We ended up parking on the street , which was thankfully available. You briefly enter the hike on the Rainier Trail which splits off onto the High School Trail. The High School Trail then eventually links up to the Poo Poo Point trail which you can take to the top. This hike is significantly longer at around 6.6 miles, and does have a slight bit more elevation gain, nearly 1800, but it's definitely more gradual than the Chirico Trail. We did this trail on out second visit. I much preferred it as there was more to see on the way up. I will mostly chronicle this trail, since it was there was more to see, and it was a MUCH nicer day!
At the alternate trailhead, explaining the trails of the Issaquah Alps
Stinky Bob, or herb Robert, or whatever you want to call this. It's all over. Considered a noxious weed, but hey, it looks cool.
Holy Holly!
Apparently we came on a day there was a trail running race through the Issaquah Alps trails. Good for them!
The beginning journey to Poo Poo on the High School Trail portion. This portion of the trail is very easy. Scenic. Pretty forests.
These two trees were holding limbs. Holding on for dear life hoping to not be eroded.
A nice little stream, it flows under the trail with the assistance of a metal pipe.
What's the source of this anyway? Should I drink it? Maybe with a lifestraw.
Bring your hat! The trail opens up as you come towards the meeting point of the High School Trail and Poo Poo Point trail.
Let's goooooo
The Trail continues back into the forest. This time an even more concentrated intense green.
Wildlife? Yeah we got it. There's a snail on the trail! There was a slug on the trail too, but it seemed someone stepped on it. I'll spare you the image on that one.
A bridge crossing? Gladly
A little waterfall on the trail too! Water features, you won't find THIS on the Chirico trail!
This trillium is doing its best
A big field of flowers as we're nearing the top
Hey look! Bathrooms at the top! Convenient!
It was a great day to make it to the top! Stunning Lake Sammamish and even the skyline of Bellevue is clear as day. No that's not Seattle, if you squint hard enough, you can see a small part of Seattle from up here
Hey! You can see Mt Baker from here! Incredible!
Wait, you can see the Olympic Mountains too?! Super awesome!
Well I guess that must be it. What a cool hike and so many great views! Wait, what? There's more? Oh.
From the top of Poo Poo Point you can continue on DOWN a small portion of the Chirico trail, even if you came up the other way. It leads to the South Launch Pad area where paragliders can take off. From there you can see...
Mt. Rainier! A perfect view point. And an excellent area to lay in the grass and have a water and snack break, as we did. Don't skip coming over here to see this viewpoint! It's awesome!
Thank you for not killing us today!
The surrounding hillside is gorgeous too.
Ah the sporing stage of a dandelion. Urge to kick...high. And so I did. Gotta spread those spores. Dandelions are good.
The second time coming here during good weather was like night and day. I see why this is such a popular hike now. Awesome views, beautiful area!
Now that I'm not killing myself uphill I can relax and check out the flowers on the way back down. I'm not sure what this guy is but kind of looks like a creeping barberry.
This western trillium is doing well!
Be still my beating heart, it's bleeding hearts!
Fiddleheads. So many fiddleheads.
Well this hike is now water under the bridge. But what a great day it was!
Formula Brewing
I always see this place right off of I-90 while we're driving around to other hikes in the area, because there are SO MANY great hikes right off of I-90. We finally decided to jump in and try it after the hike. Parking was a bit silly, but we managed.
We had a lager or two
Sat outside in the beating sun
And watched dogs do dog things until it was time to leave
I highly recommend this hike to anyone. I'll leave you with some toilet humor. "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie". Incredible.